Our strategic advantage: Why us

a)We are a mature organization and a recognizable brand: Since 2006 EACSOF grew froma small desk at the East African Law Society and is now a formidable organization withmembers in each of the East African Partner States. Our new strategic plan willintentionally build on its institutional memory and 16 years of existence as an asset togalvanize its network of partners and deepen its work in supporting the EAC integrationagenda.

b)We have a network of partners who bring superior analytical skills: The work ofEACSOF is multi-sectoral. This work brought together a large network of partners whoworked closely with EACSOF and these networks of partners continue to be available towork with EACSOF. The thematic cluster approach operates mainly at country level toidentify thematic issues, gather evidence at the country-level and make proposals foraddressing those issues.

c)We have strong convening power: EACSOF has developed a reputation for being non-partisan, honest brokers able to bridge the gap between citizens and authorities in theEAC region or different interest groups on an issue relating to the integration process. Thecombination of our strong engagement and expertise in integration as well as ourdemonstrable neutrality on political matters, offers a level of trust and comfort to thosewhom we invite to engage with our work and with each other. This vast network has built
EACSOF’s convening power, which we shall continue to build and support in the years to come.

d) We have extensive vertical and horizontal networks: While EACSOF is a regional organization in East Africa, we have also worked closely with several strategic partners. At the continental level, EACSOF is now a partner with the African Union, Economic, Social and Cultural Council and continues to work closely with this Advisory Organ of the Africa Union as well as the Africa Governance Architecture in promoting a continental and regional integration agenda. 

Skill Development and Learning: We offer training programs, workshops, and capacitybuilding initiatives to enhance the skills and knowledge of their members. These skills can be transferable and beneficial in both personal and professional settings.

Access to Resources and Support: CSOs often have access to resources, funding opportunities, and expertise in specific fields. As a member, you may benefit from these resources, which can aid in the implementation of projects or initiatives aligned with the organization’s mission.

Creating Lasting Impact: CSOs have a collective strength that can lead to significant and sustainable impact. By joining forces with a CSO, you can contribute to creating lasting change in areas such as human rights, education, healthcare, environmental conservation,
poverty alleviation, and more. Together, members can pool their resources, expertise, and passion to tackle complex societal challenges.

Joining the East Africa Civil Society Organization can provide
numerous benefits, including:

Opportunities for Civic Engagement: CSOs offer a platform for individuals to actively engage in their communities and contribute to social change. By joining EACSO, you can participate in advocacy campaigns, community projects, and initiatives that address important social issues at the regional level.

Amplifying Your Voice: CSOs provide a collective voice for individuals who share common concerns and interests. By becoming a member of EACSOF, you can amplify your voice on social, environmental, or political issues that matter to you. We advocate for policy changes, raise awareness, and lobby for improved conditions in specific areas.

Networking and Collaboration: Joining a CSO allows you to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals who are passionate about similar causes. It provides opportunities to build relationships, share knowledge, and work together towards achieving common goals.