About Us

Mr. Edmund Yakan, Chairperson
Ms. Lilian Alex C.E.O

Our Story

The East African Civil Society Organizations Forum (EACSOF) is a regional NGO based in Tanzania, with chapters across Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. EACSOF is dedicated to amplifying civil society’s role in the East African Community (EAC) integration process.

Our work includes information sharing, networking, capacity building for CSOs, and fostering citizen engagement on EAC integration matters. EACSOF’s efforts align with the EAC Treaty, supporting civil society involvement as defined in Article 1, adhering to people- and market-driven principles from Article 7, and advocating for an enabling environment as outlined in Article 128.

As the official CSO representative in the EAC Dialogue Framework, EACSOF plays a crucial role in facilitating stakeholder consultations and contributing to the East African integration process.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Mr. Edmund Yakani

Community Empowerment for
Progress Organisation (CEPO)

Mr. Isaak Bakanibona

Association Pour La Consolidation De La Paix Au

Mr. Mwananawe Aimable

Ihorere Munyarwanda Organization

Mr. Daniel Lema

Freedom House

Ms. Lilian Alex

CEO EACSOF Secretariat

Ms. Angelique Kabeeza

Rwanda Civil Society Platform

Ms. Jamila Hassan


Mr. Benedict Omilo

Eastern Africa Child Rights Network

Ms. Lilian Muchoki

Sauti ya Jamii

Mr. Henry Muguzi

African Election Observers Network

Ms. Sarah Bierette

Center for  Constitutional
Governance (CCG)

Ms. Esperance Buccumi

National Women’s Forum.

Mr. Henry Muguzi

African Election Observers Network


Since its founding in 2007, EACSOF has registered a number of significant achievements:


  • Advocated for the Consultative Dialogue Framework (CDF) for engagement between EAC, civil society organizations, private sector organizations and other interest groups, whereby EACSOF has been mandated as the focal point for CSO voices in the integration process.
  • Spearheading the engagements on the CSO Operating Bill with an aim to improve the CSOs Operating Environment in East Africa
  • High level advocacy on issues pertinent to regional integration including the civic space, business operating environment, trade,
  • Delivering strong statements on pertinent issues
  • Development of policy briefs on Governance practices in the EAC Partner states
  • Formation of strong and varied networks, partnerships and alliances with organizations including PALU, EALS, EASSI, African Child Policy Forum, EASAFF, Tax Justice Network, and SEATINI among others
  • Skills building on various topics including but not limited to human rights, good governance and policy engagement, civil society participation in trade negotiations.
  • Public interest litigation
  • Awareness raising through development of IED materials and media engagement
  • Engagement and participation in the EAC Secretary Generals Forum
  • Establishment of the Annual CSO Conference